A kind reader brought it to my attention that my previous post of the svg for theVictorian Window font wasn't converted to a path. In other words, if you don't have the actual font installed in your computer, when you open my svg in SCAL it will not use the right font. I had to convert the text to a path for the file to be used correctly. With my apologies, please click here to download the file for the text as paths.
If you have already downloaded the older file, you can fix my mistake by downloading the original font yourself from here, then after installing (or simply opening it), open the old file in Inkscape and select all the text and click Path>Convert to Path.
It's probably easier to just download it again, but if you're new to all this, it's great practice!
Sorry for the mistake! I gotta stop posting til I get over this darn flu...
Let’s get creative with “Junk”
Hi friends! One thing I love to do is repurpose junk for artsy endeavors.
Granted, I do like to splash out on some exquisite supplies (probably too
often f...
1 day ago
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